Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Breast Cancer 'Awareness' Month

Well its that time of year again. Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

First of all- I don't think we need to be 'aware' anymore. Almost everyone in the entire country has had a friend or family member taken or touched by this horrible monster. Forget awareness. I can't stand that term. It should be all about PREVENTION!!!

As many fellow women lymphomers- Im sure you all have sat down with your doctors like I have- and had the 'breast cancer' talk. Something they didn't talk about with you before treatment. Why worry you anymore? right? The fact that having radiation on your chest, or having any lymphs cancerous in your chest already has given us a higher risk for potentially 'contracting' breast cancer in the future. Fabulous news after having felt undefeated by this bastard. (I have my nicknames for cancer.. Monster, Bastard, Fucking Bully! All keeping cancer true to form) =)

So I, after having had already battled the bully- have a chance of dealing with this in the future?
Hah. No. I dont think so. Not ever again.

Awareness. Breast Cancer gets 1 in every 8 women. There.. You are AWARE. But do you know of all the things that cause it? I didnt think so. I didn't either.

Most people will say that we dont know what causes cancer- and that that is what research is for. Except the truth is that the research you are donating all of your hard earned dollars for is going to genetic research. Now this is great however, on breast cancer statistics on the American Cancer Soceity website- they say only 5-10% of all breast cancer patients got their disease genetically. THAT MEANS 90-95% OF WOMEN GET BREAST CANCER FROM OTHER FACTORS!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know what those factors are?

Did you know that eating milk and cheese puts you at risk?
Or that if you have taken 'The Pill' THAT has put you at a higher risk?

I will go on when I am finished reading this AMAZING book I HAD to mention.

Being that it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month-
Lets make ourselves AWARE OF RISK FACTORS!!!!

Go out and buy: 'The Breast Cancer Prevention Program'
by: Samuel S. Epstein M.D. and David Steinman with Suzanne LeVert

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