Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Save My Ass. - For Men...

Men and women are two very different species. Yes species. I want to stray from cancer blogging for a sec and just share with you a website I stumbled across. It is PURE GENIUS!

Save My Ass is a website- probably thought up by forgetful ex boyfriends that saw a market for other forgetful men. This website is a flower delivery service run off of a budget amount set and dates to remember. SO you would for example enter in you and your boyfriend/girlfriend's anniversary, birthday, valentines etc. Or a once a month delivery at random- and Flowers will be sent out and automatically billed to you- so if you forget the date.... This website would Save Your Ass.

I thought it was so ingenius I had to share.

If I wanna be a gem and tie in the cancer subject.. this could possibly go down as a great cancer gifting idea for the husband, wife, friend etc. And just send flowers at random every month for the period of time they're sick... or you can set the flowers to be delivered on the dates of your/their no-cancer anniversary.

Small advisory- for these forgetful men. If you break up with the chick.. man.. what have you- and you do not cancel this service.. You probably will find yourself in a very akward situation.. so try to remember to cancel if that is the case.
Otherwise... Have your ass saved. =)


1 comment:

Meaghan said...

just wanted to stop by and say hello! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!